Thursday, August 19, 2010

[PS] Create a cool water-flame

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Sorry for the time you've had to wait until this post. I was away and unable to post :D .

In this tutorial I'll show you some easy steps to create a cool water-flame effect.

1. Create a new Photoshop document 624*351. Unlock the background and fill it with a linear gradient, dark gray->black.
2. In the next steps I'll teach you a great method to create flames (this can be used for fire flames too). Create a new Layer, select the Brush Tool(B). Change the Brush Opacity to 50% and Flow to 28%. Right click on the image and change the brush size to 290px. Now, for the foreground color choose a blue (like #1A7BFF ) and click three times in the same spot (somewhere under the image center). Until now you should have something like this:
3. Next, choose a lighter shade of blue (#26E3FF), change the brush size to 140px and click again three times in the spot you clicked before.
4. Now select an even lighter blue (#D4F9FF) , brush size 70px and again click three times.
5. It's time to trasform this circular light into a flame-shaped light. To do this go to Filter->Liquify (SHIFT+CTRL+X ). Press W to select the Forward Warp Tool, use the following settings:

  • Brush Size: 200
  • Brush Density: 7
  • Brush Pressure: 40
To use the tool click on center of the light source and drag upwards. Do this multiple times until you get the desired result.
Here is what I got after using Liquify and scaling-down the flame.

6. Duplicate the layer containg the flame. Use Filter->Disort->Glass :

  • Distortion: 14
  • Smoothnes: 3
  • Scaling: 63%
Move this layer up a few pixels and put it above the other one with the flame and change Blending Mode to Luminosity.
7. Duplicate the last created layer and go to Filter->Artistic->Plastic Wrap:

  • Highlight Strength: 15
  • Detail: 9
  • Smoothness: 7
Change Blending Mode to Overlay, 60% Opacity.
8. Let's draw a small fuse. Create a new layer and using the brush tool (small size,like 12px) draw some intersecting curve lines in 2 different colors.
Scale down this layer and desaturate it. Place this layer above the FIRST flame-layer (this means you'll have 2 other layers above this one). Erase the botom part of the fuse using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) so that the fuse will have a straight end.

9. We'll draw the candle now using the Ellipse Tool (U) and Rectangle Tool(U) as show in the picture below:
Move this 2 shape layers behind all other layers (excepting the background :D ).
10. Add a 90degree gradient on the Ellipse and a 0degree gradient on the Rectangle. For both gradients I've used these colors:
11. Group the Rectangle and Ellipse shapes and convert the group to a smart object by right clicking on it's name in the Layers panel. Rasterize this Smart Object and desaturate it. Select the Smudge Tool(R) and make sure the Sample All Layers checkbox is unchecked. Set strength to 80% and use it to deform a bit the candle's top part. Now select the Burn Tool(O), change Range to Shadows and Exposure to 10%. Use it around the fuse on this layer.
12. Make a copy of the layer containing the candle and apply a Filter-Blur->Gaussian Blur of 5 to 10 px.
Move the blured layer behind the unblured one.
To add some texture duplicate the unblured candle layer and use Filter->Noise->Add Noise , check Gaussian and Monochromatic and set the amount to 22%. Put this layer on Overlay, 25% Opacity.
13. Now it will go for the "smokey" part...
Create a new Layer. Press D to reset the Foreground/Background colors and apply Filter->Render->Clouds. Using the Eraser Tool (low opacity&flow) erase all the unwanted smoke. Change Blending Mode to Screen, 35% opacity.
14. Here is an optional step. If you want use the Brush Tool(12px) in a black color and draw some black "wax" on one side of t he candle. Place this layer behind all the flame layers.
15. Create a new layer and using a the Gradient Tool(G) apply a blue->black radial gradient.
Move this layer just above the background layer. Change Blending Mode to Overlay and opacity to 70%.
16. To add a little more depth create a new layer and add Filter->Render->Clouds. Place this layer above the last one we've created. Blending Mode: Overlay, Opacity: 70%.
And we're done :D .
Hope you've enjoyed this tutorial. Waiting for your comments.

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